language learning Tag

Remember that the most importante part of learning to parlare italiano is to actually use it! With that goal in mente, there is no shame in using common verbs over and over again. Last week we saw how utile the verb trovare is; another “high-frequency” verb in Italian is prendere: Important note on prendere: this verbo is used in at least...

  In la bella lingua there are certain “high-frequency” verbs that you will find useful in many ways. Allora diamo un’occhiata al seguente verbo utilissimo: Important note on “trovare” (to find): it is an extremely useful verb, you can use it to talk about objects, ideas, items, thoughts, etc. “Deve trovare una scusa” “Volete trovare un libro?” “Non può trovare il treno” “A/an” (the indefinite article) If...

  Avete visto un film italiano recentemente? Have you seen an Italian movie recently? Short of going to Il Bel Paese, it is one of the best ways to expose yourself to the Italian language. Allora passate una serata con Benigni, Accorsi, o Mezzogiorno! (The names just listed are popular Italian actors: search for them on Netflix or Youtube.) Challenge yourself...

  The key to learning la bella lingua can be found in the balance between structure and having fun. You should always try and learn a few rules, and then go play with the language (get the app Duo Lingo, make up silly expressions, watch a funny movie, etc.) in an entertaining way. This week we will learn one grammar rule about...

  Una conversazione tra due amici: This week I would like to present a small dialogo about a large Italian famiglia. Read the dialogue twice (due volte) and then answer the questions—in italiano!! Dialogo (Discussion about family/friends) Renato: Quante sorelle ha Gianni? Francesca: Gianni ha tre sorelle e un fratello. Renato: Le sorelle sono sposate? Francesca: Una sorella, Ilaria, ha un marito e due figli. Le altre...

  Questa settimana ripassiamo la pronuncia della bella lingua: La Pronuncia (Pronunciation) The proper pronunciation is very importante. Keep a separate pagina in your notebooks dedicated to la pronuncia and record yourself often. Oggi we will go over four pronunciation guides: “Che” and “Chi” Two sounds that are constant throughout the Italian language are formed by “che” and “chi.” “Che” always sounds like the English letter...

    Buongiorno a tutti! Questa settimana vediamo quante English Words exist in italiano! English Words in Italian Your Italian vocabulary is already richer than you think because you can use thousands of English words, unchanged, in the Italian language. Every year dozens of English words “migrate” into the Italian language and are used by millions of Italian speakers everyday. Listed below are 10...

  Salve! Oggi vi presento delle espressioni molto utili: A lot with a little (key words) There are a few key parole that can get you very far in your attempts to conversare in Italian. You already know some of these words, but lets review them here: Grazie Prego Che cosa? Dove Quando? Domani Three very important key espressioni are the following: “Come si dice…?” “How do you say…?” (Use this...

  I would like to start this week’s lezione with a few words to describe a colleague of mine: Professionale Intelligente Gentile Affidabile Did you understand (hai capito) the last two words? Andiamo avanti con la bella lingua: Language-Learning tips Exposure Learning to speak another language is truly a thrilling experience, and you should seek out as many forms of contatto as possible. In your attempts to accumulate centinaia...