Free Italian Lessons

  Buongiorno a tutti! Questa settimana ripassiamo i nostri “helper verbs” ed i nostri “full verbs” Our next helper verb is potere (to be able/can). Before you look at the chart you can probably guess that the “io” form will end in “o” (it always will). You could also guess that the “noi” form will end in “iamo” (it always will). Potere (to...

  Buongiorno a tutti. I hope that you have been practicing the helper verb dovere (to have to/to need/to “must”). Our next helper verb is volere (to want/desire). Volere (to want) I want (io)voglio  You (informal) want (tu) vuoi He, she, you [formal] want(s) (lui, lei, Lei) vuole  We want (noi) vogliamo You (plural) want (voi) volete They want (loro) vogliono Here are some more Full Verbs: aspettare = to...

Buongiorno a tutti! The first thing we will go over is an extremely useful shortcut to understanding and using verbs. Most of what we say in any language has to do with one of the following three situations: necessity, desire, permission/ability (dovere, volere, potere, respectively). We call these Helper Verbs because they help out so much of your expression. The first Helper...